
The first working week ended very well. Since I didn't like my productivity level, I compensated for low productivity with a higher number of hours, i.e. since Satisfaction = Productivity * Hours, one can reach Satisfaction at lower Productivity by increasing the number of Hours. Actually, there is more to say about these variables: S, P, H. As you progress, your P steadily increases, and therefore really is a function of Hours, or to be more exact the function of Total Hours with some time decay parameter (i.e. if you stop putting hours, P decays). If you periodically fall short of Satisfaction, that's what we call on the internet - GG. The only variable you can really control is H, which also has a soft lower bound of 40hr/wk. The upper bound however also exists, and in fact, if you put in 20hours one day, the next day you might only be able to put in 2 due to exhaustion. I think a reasonable upper bound is somewhere around 10-12 hours. There are tricks to stretch this upper bound by putting in hour towards some other thing, like a hobby, so both limits are somewhat flexible.

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