Academic Work
Saturation Spectroscopy
SS is an amazing technique used to fight Dopler Broadening. This was my favorite lab at Stony Brook. I have written sections: Theory, Measurements and Analysis.
Transistor Operation
This paper decsribes the structure of various transistors, history of their development, physics behind magic, applience in boolean mathematics and their use in modern computers.
TimePix Resolution Improvement
While working in Weinacht's lab, I wrote a Matlab software capable of improving the resolution of collected molecular data by a factor of 3. Unfortunately, due to non-disclosure, I am only able to share some results of the analysis.
Voronoi Diagram
A Voronoi diagram is a partition of a plane into regions close to each of a given set of objects. While this papers introduces some mathematics, a good portion is devoted to the historical importance and ties to nature.
Thurston's Circle Packing
This paper presents a visualition algorithm for finding circle packing solutions corresponding to given planar graphs using Ricci flow. The idea is simple: start with random radii, associate curvature of the surface with geometric structure and then force it zero out with a simple differential equation.