Wednesday Night

I wanted to gather some sensor data of a 'typical' longboard trip, to get a better idea of how much smoothening I would need to do. Check out the data for yourself: Typical Part of the Trip and Typical Full Trip Notice the 0 to 360 'jumps'. That's because polar angle is discontinuous. So right away we see that the raw data isn't that noisy (a couple of degrees), that's because I've purchased a sensor with a built-in Kalman Filter . In addition to it, I've also added my own tracking of an Exponential Moving Average which is frequently used in stock trading, but in a nutshell it's very similar to the Kalman Filter. So one observation right aways is that our EMA is lagging behind. Some lag is to be expected to get a better sense of a 'straight' direction, however, we can decrease the lag by tuning α parameter of the EMA.

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