It's been a while!
Finishing up with some Manta Backend IFThisThenThat things. Had a friendo over the weekend. Dude is awesome! Plus family stuff.
Finishing up with some Manta Backend IFThisThenThat things. Had a friendo over the weekend. Dude is awesome! Plus family stuff.
Well, technically it's Saturday. So what's new? After the Tropical Cyclone, electricity was down for 2 days. Fun experience. A lot of board games, sleeping, and mindless walking around. Implemented the backbone for IFTTT bots in Manta, helped fix the VPS issues. A little of the discord hangout, meeting very interesting people.
I've been implementing things on Manta fairly quickly, so got more free time. Spent a good portion of it in Discord's Competetive Programming group solving various coding problems - really felt like I gained a couple of IQ points. Beach is awesome. Jersey Shore, in general, is great!
Right to Try is the name of the legislature just passed by the executive branch. It gives terminally ill people the right to try drugs that aren't yet approved in the US. For example, such patients could now try a drug that was approved in other 1st world countries, but which hasn't yet been approved by the FDA. There is an amazing movie about it called Dallas Buyers Club , which is absolutely amazing! Setting aside arguments of overreaching power, this is a really cool thing!
First things first - is finally launched for a proper internal testing! The goal is to fix obvious things and then launch first beta version for external testing, i.e. BY YOU! If you want to try things yourself join the waitlist! . There is no risk, only paper accounts :D On a different note, was chatting with a browser extension developer, and if you are the youtube watching type, definitely check it out his extension which basically helps you make your youtube experience better. Anything that allows me to preserve my attention and be less distracted is a good thing. Finally, a fly in the ointment - was helping some people with Competitive Programming on discord and decided to take a contest with them. Terrible performance :D