Posts by Ramil (142)

Tuesday Progress

I've decided that it would be best to go through everything from scratch on a new SD card. So far so good. Day: 1. BNO055 is working and displaying all of the 9 DOFs correctly (up to a constant) 2. Just installed and tested NeoPixels, so we are back to the shining. 2.5. Combined the two, seem to be working smoothly ~Unfortunately since I'm using a totally different sensor I'll have to spend some time writing a new interface class for it, but as I've found out last time it's totally worth it long term~ Evening: 3. Tested the compass + neopixel. The pixel closest to rotation angle lights up 4. Felt like still having a remote control would be nice to test different function 4.5. Implemented IR

Monday Update

The package has finally arrived! So what now? 1. Reinstall new RaspPi system and connect to all of the IO devices 2. Troubleshoot BN055 sensor 3. Play with BN055 sensor *very important* 4. Organize things better (including reworking the 'station' attached to the board)

Weekly Update

1. The delivery time for IMU sensor was delayed yet again. Hopefully, will get it by Monday and show some coolness! 2. ModernGL seems challenging, but I'm finally getting a hang of it! 3. ARC Challenge just ended with some impressive results! If you don't know what it is, definitely check it out and get all nervous about AI. 4. Reading a Deep Learning with Python book written by the infamous François Chollet . Yes, I'm also confused about the book cover. Very good overview of ML. Oh yeah, if you want some Twitter spiciness - check the author out.

Short > Long

Haha! What does that mean? It's my funny way of saying that the short code is (usually) better than the long one. Why am I saying this? Installing and figuring out OpenGL was a pain in the butt, but after some additional searching, I have found ... Drumroll ... ModernGL ! Update: WOW! This is what I'm talking about! Amazing smooth performance! Really impressive! Next up: Longboard model ;)

Near Future

I have just ordered a (hopefully better) Absolute Orientation Sensor with 9 Degrees of Freedom (or DOF for short) from, and other things, like adapters, wireless accessories and ... something else. Anyway, it's going to take a couple of days for it to arrive, which means I to find need something else to do in the meanwhile, which brings me to my next update: I'll be learning OpenCV. I've heard about it a bunch since as a Python developer, images and GUI were always a sketchy thing, so hopefully they won't be anymore. See you in the future!

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